Monday, September 06, 2010

river, not rock

"Unitarian Universalism is not a rock to hold onto. It is a river to swim in.

If you want a set of beliefs to hold onto, if you want rules to guide your life in all situations, if you want a foundation for a spiritual fortress, you will probably be disappointed with us.
However, if you want to dive into the river and explore, if you think that what you experience and what you do is more important than what you believe, if you want to be with people who engage in this world to promote well being for all, we may have something to offer.
Life itself is more like a river than a rock. Life is in flux, it changes, twists and turns, ebbs and flows. When a river encounters a boulder, the boulder may win for a while. But eventually, even the most massive stone is worn away by the currents of time. Unitarian Universalism is about learning to swim in the river rather than climbing out of it onto a rock."

--the Rev. Mr. Doug Kraft, of the UU Society of Sacramento.

Thanks, Laura.


At 7:18 PM, Blogger goodwolve said...

Love this - thank you.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Robin Edgar said...

"if you want to be with people who engage in this world to promote well being for all, we may have something to offer."

Or not. . .

I don't see the UUA, or greater U*U religious community, doing anything at all to provide any genuine and tangible restorative justice to victims of non-sexual forms of clergy misconduct, to say nothing of victims of <a href=" sexual misconduct</a> committed by U*U ministers.

What do you see on *that* front Chip?

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Robin Edgar said...

Looks like there was a little HTML error the CSM link should go here -

clergy sexual misconduct

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Mickbic said...

I thought we had to get back to the garden not into the river. We can't swim 24/7 so the simile is a little inadequate


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