Thursday, June 17, 2010

no GA'12; show up in AZ to work?

Skip GA in 2012 (begin biennial assemblies) and hold a justice-focused event in Arizona in June, 2012, instead. The UU Allies for Racial Equity have not yet posted their elegant and open-hearted suggestion on their site, but I like the idea enough to post part of their letter:

"Madame Moderator and Members of the UUA Board of Trustees:

As current leaders of UU Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) we are writing to you in regard to recent developments in the public discussion surrounding the GA 2010 business resolution on our scheduled Phoenix GA...

How we decide this issue and move forward offers us great opportunity to lead from our faith. To do so, however, requires more than tying our faith to the issue of immigration reform and solidarity with partners in Arizona. It requires a grounding in the multicultural relationships within our own community...

As part of this response, we remain open to the possibility of a large event being held in AZ with the purpose of engaging all attendees in a concentrated time of witness, education and advocacy. We believe strongly that this event should not be our General Assembly...

We further ask that a multifaceted response be designed and launched offering immediate and ongoing on-the-ground opportunities for all UUs to work with Puente and NDLON. Such a response would also include the development of resources for congregations to engage in the human rights issues surrounding immigration in their communities and states. We believe that a major fundraising effort should be part of this response as well, and should raise funds for organizers in Arizona and elsewhere to create real justice in our nation...

We thank you for the time and energy you have put into this effort, and for your clear willingness both to engage in conversation and also to do the difficult work of listening. We look forward to working with you on this matter as it unfolds, and on other issues in the future.

The Rev. Wendy von Zirpolo, President, UU Allies for Racial Equity
The Rev. Dr. Michael Tino, Vice President, UU Allies for Racial Equity"

{my apologies for not printing the whole letter; it is eloquent & engages many worthwhile topics. I'll post a link when I find it online}


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Cynthia L. Landrum said...

I'm a fan of this proposal, as well.

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we start doing biennial GAs so soon? On the website it has the locations for the next several years - I wonder if that means we've already signed contracts for those areas.

The idea sounds good, but I'm just coming back to money. How much will it cost the association to have a separate GA that year (if we have one.) Likewise, a fundraising effort sounds great. But how many congregations are cutting staff hours, or cutting back on their fair share contributions, or cutting back on their own congregational social justice work (we here at UUCAtlanta, for example, had to cut back on the give away the plate program to help make ends meet, among other cuts.) If our congregations are having trouble weathering this economic storm, can we really ask our congregants to take on another burden?


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