help plan GA12
Tell the UUA Board what you want Justice GA 2012 to look like: click here to learn more, or just mail your input to "secretary AT" or "gamap AT" Input received by September 13 "will receive the most consideration."
From the link:
"Delegates at the 2010 General Assembly (GA) in Minneapolis overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution committing themselves to holding a special “Justice” General Assembly in Phoenix in 2012...In order to provide concrete direction to the GA Planning Committee and UUA staff, the Board is requesting input from congregations (vis à vis their elected leadership) to help it make informed decisions about what GA 2012 should be. The Board is interested in questions, comments, concerns and observations from leaders, affiliates, interest groups and others. This information will be reviewed by the Board and shared with the Planning Committee and UUA staff."
The page includes links to the actual resolution, and to other justice-themed UU links.
The study resolution on immigration admirably gathers the many facets of this issue -- and the way a decision about one group impacts others. Justice is not simple, and it is usually not clear-cut "us-them/ good-evil" stuff. Let's commit ourselves to solid discussion and debate of every aspect, in our congregations, our clergy groups, our General Assembly.
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