Saturday, June 16, 2007

king james; competition

When the Cleveland Indians lost the 7th game of the World Series in 1997, some fans said "wow! what a ride!" and thanked the players. This angered at least one sports writer, who wrote that Cleveland would never have a championship while they could accept (much less celebrate) coming in 2nd. I disagree; we should celebrate the effort and the fun, whatever the outcome.

That said, I was disappointed by the Cavaliers' failure to win a single game in the NBA finals this year. I was happy that they made it; I do celebrate their effort; and I wish they'd won at least one game in that last series.

I do not believe that we should only play "cooperative" games; I think competition can improve our skills and our experience. Learning to lose is at least as important as learning to win, in life.

Wait 'til next year!


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

howdy. Wasn't part of sports, once upon a time, learning the lessons of "sportsmanship." Learning to win and lose with grace.

metro detroit


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