Two sentences (or less) about God, from a number of Heartland District ministers:
As Dennis reminds us, “Whatever God is, my job remains the same.”
God is that which knits creation with creativity; which calls all to be part of its greater whole
All this is God, right here in my pea green house (Anne Sexton)
“God” carries too much baggage to me (and to many of those with whom I minister) for me to drag along into the pulpit or into my solitude. I am filled with mystery, which is light and lovely.
God is in the process—that which makes it possible to move from what is, to what should be (after Rabbi Michael Lerner)
God is the living metaphor that links “is” and “is not”, “like” and “not like” in descriptive paradox. God is the conversation that joins now with the past and future in hope and love
God is a metaphor for the manifestation and evolution of Spirit—the nondual process of form and emptiness.
Unconditional Love
“God is more than your sacred holy thing; it is not, but can be, more than your home can be”—Bill Breeden’s 4-year-old grandson
Fix thou our steps, o source
that we stagger not with the uneven motions of the world,
but go steadily on our way
neither ceasing the journey by the weather we meet
nor turn aside for everything that helps us
God is the possibility of right relations
Finally, a poem by David Carl Olson:
morning, rising sun through
pine branches
and Mrs. Golden’s old curtains
prayer closet, poetry closet
“monuments to moments”
size(!) sighs
whys wise
I believe in poetry
I believe in prayer
I believe in practice