believing their own propaganda?
Thank you, Chalice Chick and Cynthia, for insisting that the media has over-emphasized the phenomenon of "angry women who won't vote for Obama." I am sorry that I contributed to the perpetuation of such stereotyping.
And, while I expect that many conservative mouthpieces were hyping the "dissatisfied Hillary voters" meme, it may have boomeranged on them, as McCain has just chosen Alaska Governer Sarah Palin as his running mate. I do not know that Governor Palin is not qualified to serve as VP, but I do know that it undercuts the Republican's ability to smear Obama as "inexperienced": Palin has only two years of state or federal experience. And Alaska doesn't bring any more electoral college votes than does the state of Delaware, Joe Biden's home state--they both have 3.
I am pleased that a second woman has been selected for a VP position; and I think that McCain is wrong, if he thinks that Governor Palin will attract many women who originally supported Senator Clinton. For one thing, there aren't as many disaffected Clinton voters as the polls have said there are!